Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Well HI!

Hey everyone! Since I don't really get to see many of you that often I thought this would be a great way to keep up with everyone and have you keep up with us. I miss everyone and wish that we could see everyone more than we do.
It has been one crazy ride since we got married but it sure has been a great time. We love living in Ephraim and Zack is really enjoying being the only one who can use the "but I have homework" excuse. He is pursuing a degree in Foreign Language and Computer Science. Boy will he have a lot on his hands! I am really loving my job at the Community Living Center in Centerfield as a CNA. The work is hard but so worth all the smiles and thank yous!
There isn't much going on with us other than school and work. I just recently had some cysts removed from my tailbone area and I don't know what I would do without my wonderful mom, dad and amazing hubby. It's been a rough road and not working leaves me pretty bored most of the time and I can't believe that I am going to say this but...I CAN'T WAIT TO GO BACK TO WORK!! Something to keep me busy most of the day is all I really want now...and to have the stitches removed already.
Well hope all is well with everyone and that we get to see you soon!



Allie, thats a bummer about you cysts!! it sounds like everything is going great!! Good to hear from you!

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