Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Medical Update #1

So today was my one week follow up of my surgery last Tuesday. Basically I found out that the one cyst that I thought I had turned out to be around nine! Yes, nine. That is an insane amount of cysts of that kind. Most people only have three or less. So, wow, I'm one amazingly little bit of medical craziness! My surgeon actually had this dumbfounded look on his face when I talked to him, like he was trying to still make it all make sense.
So some have been asking what pilonidal cysts are...well, they are cysts that are formed while in utero. As a fetus is being formed the skin down around the tailbone is the last to fuse together. Those who are blessed to have these lovely little extras, have cysts that had bits of amniotic fluid "floaties" and hair that got all mixed up in the fusing. I was just one such lucky little fetus. Haha! NOT! It has been one sad, sore week and I can't wait to get my stitches out. The good ole doc said that next Wed would be the wonderful day and that I could go back to work soon. It will be wonderful. Soon my days of being stuck in this hole of an apartment will be done! I mean it's been fun being lazy and all but it gets boring and you can only watch movies and tv for so long. I have loved every moment of my hubby pampering but I think it's time for him to get a little attention. I really am so very blessed to have him in my life. I love him so much and feel his love for me every moment of every day.


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