Friday, March 25, 2011

Back to Musical Homes...

So here we are again...moving. Ughh! I hate moving. Why does it seem that when you move and pull things out of closets and drawers, that ones stuff seems to grow exponentially? I just finished giving away half of my clothes and shoes and I am still left with too much to fit into my new shoebox of a closet.\

Our new place is about a third smaller than our current home (pics to come when we are all moved in) and I am sure I will go stir crazy before April gets here. We are moving to save money, be closer to school and work, and to hopefully be in a nicer neighborhood. Our current one has recently become a frequent of partying and police visits....not somewhere I want any future children to be raised. Our new neighborhood is all little houses built circa 1930 and filled with the sounds of children. Yes, our new place is across the street from an elementary school. How I can't wait to deal with all that entails...backed up streets, parents waiting in long car lines to drop off/pick up their kids, balls being kicked into my yard, the joyous sound of know, all the things that were normal when you were a kid.

This year, in all of it's, 1/4 of the way done, glory, has been so crazy. In January we decided that this would be the year that we would get out of debt. I took on another job and Zack picked up more hours so we could pay off a credit down, two to go. We also found out that we were going to be getting a new nephew on Zack's side. We helped my sister, Britt, and her husband, Adam, move and boy was that interesting. They have been married for almost 4 years so they have lots of stuff! Luckily lots of it fit into the storage space they rented and there were only few breakdowns. We found out that some dear friends got engaged. Congratulations Kirsti and Shaun! Finally, we found out that Zack was accepted into the study abroad program in France! So exciting!

In February, one of Zack's groomsmen, mission companion, roommate and close friend of us both, got engaged to his sweetheart. Scott and Katie are made for each other. We started thinking of moving when we found out that our rent was being increased by almost $100! A little too much for us. Also, on a sad note, we were informed that Zack was the only one the school was going to support in France. Yep, because I'm not a student I don't get to go to France for a month. Tear* I could go but for me the cost would be over 5 figures between tickets, insurance, boarding and food for a month. I was pretty upset when I heard the news but Zack couldn't get out of it. He is still going even though I can't (I am currently ok with this) and is leaving the end of May and will get back the end of June.

As of this month, March has been interesting. We found a place to live, filed taxes, and worked our bums off. I was offered a pretty good job as the residential CNA for Cache Valley working with Caregivers Support Network and I am currently awaiting the state funding to come in so I can start work. I have loved working for Chrysalis but the CNA job will look amazing on my resume one day.

This year just keeps dragging on with more and more to do and more and more to accomplish. Our immediate plans are to get Zack safely to France and back, get a cat, pay off another credit card and buy a real table for our dining room. We also want to throw a baby in there somewhere, but that's just a dream for now. Ha ha, we have a long way to go.



Allie- I know the feeling of having a small place.. ugh.. sometimes I can't stand it, but I just keep reminding myself that I will one day soon have a house with lots of extra space and a normal sized stove! haha

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