Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What?! Really?! After all this time...

Big News! Coming January 16, 2014....

Calais Emmeline Hannon!

Yes, it's true, Zack and I are going to be parents. After 3 miscarriages and 4 years of praying and crying, our dream of having a family is coming true. Ok, cheesy part is over....but really, I'm over the moon right now. I'm somewhere between jumping for joy over the miracle that is my baby girl and crying hysterically over my insecurities of becoming a mother. Yay for pregnancy hormones. Ultimately, I'm so happy that nothing could bring me down. 

Baby girl looks good and is growing normally. I couldn't believe that, as she was moving around during our ultrasound yesterday, I couldn't feel her. She was all folded up like a frog and sucking her adorable. At one point she turned her beautiful little head and kissed the camera...with her big ol' lips. She's gonna be a knock-out! She already, at 20 weeks, knows how to say I love you in sign language. That's my girl. She's gonna pick up French from her dad so easily.

Zack has always told me that our children were going to be bi-lingual. He was going to learn all these languages and teach each child a different one. Therefore, my children and their father will have their own language to share secrets in and I, the language impaired, shall be left in the dark. Oh, well. Better knuckle under. 

As for the origin of her name. I met a girl who had the name Calais and I loved it instantly. Zack later informed me that it was the name of a city in France. So we decided to roll with the French theme...did I mention that Zack is fluent in French and plans on teaching her it when she gets older? Emmeline is also French and was one of 3 other names that we thought went with Calais and Hannon (our last name). Maybe she'll hate it, maybe not. Either way, she'll have to deal and just be thankful she's going to have a very different name and won't have to be one of 15 million Ashley's in the world. Besides, it's beautiful, I like it and I get to pick.

Zack was hoping for a boy but she will have him wrapped around her little finger from the first moment. He's going to be a great daddy. Wow, seeing it written down is a little surreal...Zack is going to be a dad! He's a man of few words but I know that if he felt he needed to, he would jump up and down and cry with me. She's already so loved and we can't wait to meet her! Now, could the next 20 weeks go by quickly?

There Kalli, just for you:)